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Research Institute for Languages & Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University
Aesthetics & Sociology of Culture Research Cluster

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in the public events & talks
This cluster focuses on the interdisciplinary exchanges of members working in different areas related to texts (film, translated literature, media and arts), spaces (with the focus on the border-crossing between Thailand and Southeast Asia and beyond), and critical questions on power politics and sociology of culture. Members of the clusters have conducted research on fan/cinephile culture of East Asian cinema, film production studies, new film history, translated literature from/into Thai, games studies, practices and cultures of ethnic minorities in Thailand and generational mobility. Individual researchers received funding from Mahidol University, Thailand Research Fund, National Research Council of Thailand and British Academy.
Starting in 2019, members of the cluster also aim to work together each year under the shared thematic research enquiries and exchanges. Between 2019-2021, all three founding members co-supervised theses and organized various seminars that foster the shared research interests in cross-border cultures and postcolonial thoughts in Asia. The members agreed to write a paper each under this theme, which would contribute to the wider reflections for gaps and future works in postcolonial research works in relation to film, media, translated literature and cross-border cultures in the context of Thailand and Southeast Asia.
In 2022, the research cluster expands the focus to broader questions of Area Studies that intersect with film cultures, translated literature, and tourism culture/urban studies. Since the pandemic, members have also expanded their works into the areas of creative across the above sectors.
Research Cluster Aims
RILCA members
Asst. Prof. Dr. Narong Ardsmiti is a lecturer in Cultural Studies. His research interests are in the areas of identity and change in social spaces and places, ethnicity in the contemporary society and cross-border culture and cultural boundary in both translocal and transnational perspective. Educated in Thailand, USA and Australia, he graduated MA in Cultural Studies from Mahidol University, Thailand in 1994 and received a second master’s degree in 2000 from University of Oregon, USA in the field of Asian Studies. He pursued a doctoral degree (Southeast Asian Studies) at the Australian National University, Australia and earned PhD in 2007.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Koraya Techawongstien is a lecturer in Translation Studies. Her current research interests cover sociology of translation, translation theory, literary translation, children’s literature in translation and fantasy fictions in translation. After graduating from the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University with a second-class honour in 2010, Dr. Koraya pursued her academic degrees in the UK. In 2011, she obtained an MA in Theory and Practice of Translation with Merit from SOAS, University of London, UK and continued her research in Translation Studies at the Centre for Translation, SOAS, University of London where she obtained her doctoral degree from in 2016.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Wikanda Promkhuntong is a lecturer in Film and Cultural Studies at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University. Her research engages with East Asian cinema and different forms of border-crossing. These include the phenomenon of transnational East Asian auteurs through the lens of paratexts and participatory cultures, and the relationships between film and travel within Thailand and Southeast Asia. Her work often explores the discourses around and practices of screen industry agents from auteur/stars, cinephiles/fans to above/below-the-line workers and the changing conditions that have shaped their lives and works over time. She completed her PhD in Film Studies at Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK.
Dr. Jooyin Saejang is a lecturer in Translation Studies at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University. She received her PhD in Translation Studies from University of College London, where she completed a thesis on 'the subtitling and dubbing into Chinese of male homosexual and ladyboy roles in Thai soap operas'.
Our partners
Our past guest speakers & collaboraters
Dr. Graiwoot Chulphongsathorn, film critic, former visiting fellow, Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM) University of Westminster and lecturer at Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University
Prof. Kate Taylor-Jones, School of East Asian Studies, Sheffield University
Assoc. Prof. Natthanai Prasannam, Department of Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University
Kissada Kamyong, film producer and lecturer at Silpakorn University
Samak Kosem artist and researcher at Chiangmai University
Dr. Amporn Marddent, Thammasat University
- Assis. Prof. Pasoot Lasuka, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University
Assis. Prof. Chanokporn Chutikamoltham, Faulty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University
Dr. Sutida Wimuttikosol. Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University
Dr. Veluree Metaveevinij, College of Innovation, Thammasat University
Dr. Nanthanoot Udomlamun, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University
Prof. Phrae Chittipalangsri, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
Dr. Georgia Thomas-Parr, Filmmaker & researcher, Sheffield University
Dr. Akarapat Charoenpanich, Independent scholar and consultant in digital technology and economics
- Dr. Prididome Pipatchukiat, Pridi Banomyong International College, Thammasat University
- Dr. Pramote Petchsart, Director of Marketing, Royal Hua Hin Golf Course
- Treethep Srisa-nga, PhD candidate, University of Florida
Chulayarnnon Siriphol, Artist/filmmaker
Natthanun Tiammek, Filmmaker and creative labour researcher
- The Thai Film Archive
- Bangkok CityCity Gallery
- The Jim Thompson Art Center, Bangkok
- (SOAS & Sheffield University)
- Thai Labour Museum

Newton Fund Training and Exchanges (2018-2019)

To provide a platform for research exchanges in the trans/national cultural industries in Thailand that engages with students, local and international academics.
To work toward building collaborative research and partnerships between RILCA staff and other partners.
Driving the idea of research cluster through networking and seminar events.
Exploring shared research areas and developing a body of writing on the subject areas by members.
Establishing a collaborative research direction and grant bid with research partners.
Drawing on the collaborations between partners to establish a summer school and/or other platform for training/exchanges.
Collaborate with us
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