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Research Institute for Languages & Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University
Aesthetics & Sociology of Culture Research Cluster
News & Updates
13.05.23 Film screening & research output discussion: Screen labour in Thailand during COVID-19

On the month of May, Wikanda Promkhuntong, the co-founder of the research cluster hosts a film screening and presentation of her recent resarch project on screen labour during the COVID-19. The film is a collaborative research output with Natthanun Tiammek which captures stories of below-the-line workers at the time in which filmmaking was suspended. The project is funded by Thai Humanities Forum grant as part of the National Research Council of Thailand. The outputs of the project also includes a book chapter (in Thai) which will be published along with other chapters on COVID-19 from the lens of humanities and social sciences research in Thailand and a journal article in English. This event was also co-organized by the MA programme in Cultural Studies.