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Research Institute for Languages & Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University
Aesthetics & Sociology of Culture Research Cluster
News & Updates
31.05.24 Celebrating Rilca's 50th Anniversary with our publication of key talks
To celebrate RILCA's 50th Anniversary, our research cluster has produced a book of transcription of three key talks that took place in the last couple of years on key topics related to postcolonialism in Thailand, the sociopolitics of translation and urban landscapes and human geography. We have been kindly supported by all the guest speakers who helped check and revised the transcriptions. Hopefully, this book will be able to use as an introduction reading and a reference for future dialogues. The book will not be for sale but will be distributed to interested parties and libraries. The publishing process is kindly funded by the MU Cultural Quarter grant and RILCA's Resarch Cluster grant. For those intrested in a copy please contact one of our cluster's members.